blur cyan
Bishal Khatri.
I build for web & mobile.

01. About me

Hello! My name is Bishal Khatri and I enjoy creating things that live on the internet. My interest in web development started back in 2014 when I decided to try editing custom Mig33 themes — turns out hacking together a custom button taught me a lot about HTML & CSS!

Fast-forward to today, and I’ve had the privilege of working at various companies, a start-up with my own idea and my own complete build, a huge IT corporation, and becaming a single IT person in an multinational company building complete webapp, mobile app and ERP systems.

Here are a few technologies I’ve been working with recently:

  • React js
  • Next js
  • Redux
  • Javascript
  • Typescript
  • Tailwind CSS
  • GraphQL
  • Express js
  • Nest js
  • MongoDB
  • PostgreSQL
  • Prisma
  • WebRtc

02. Where I have worked?
Arsoda Tech

Full stack developer

Mar 21 - present

  • Developed and maintained dynamic web applications using Nextjs, ensuring optimal user experiences across various browsers and devices.
  • Created cross-platform mobile applications with React Native, delivering native-like experiences to iOS and Android users
  • Leveraged Express.js to design and develop backend APIs and server-side functionality for seamless data integration for the Company ERP system
  • Collaborated closely with designers and product managers to transform requirements into intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces.

03. Some Things I’ve Built


Complete Ecommerce website using nextjs, typescript, redux, and more. Also, Mobile app using react native that is connected with the website. And, a complete ERP system using expressjs, prisma, and more.



Lifesmile Mobile APP

Complete Ecommerce mobile app using react native with expo and typescript. MultiLanguage support, RTL support, and more.

React NativeExpoNativewindTypeScript


Phytomed Nepal

The largest chemical database where you can find all about diseases, their symptoms and its natural herbal remedies with chemical demonstration of those remedies


X-Beat Store

A music store website where you can buy musical instruments and accessories.


nLog Blog

A blog website which is a democratic platform to write anti-political stuffs.


Canim Blog

A blog website where you can read blogs, write blogs, comment on blogs, like blogs, and share blogs.


05. What next?

Get In Touch

I am currenlty looking for new opportunities, my inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I will try my best to get back to you!

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